HHOT Lymphedema Protocol
- Complete Decongestive Therapy w/ MLD & Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy (MTPT) Combined Protocols:
- Before we begin any Decongestive Therapy we evaluate the patient for any trigger points and these are released.
- Once the trigger points are released and the perpetuating factors are addressed then manual lymphatic drainage is performed on the unaffected side.
- Following decongestion on the unaffected side we move to the affected side and proceed proximal to distally in our decongestive movement patterns.
- All treatment phase MLD consists of abdominal breathing techniques and stretches during the treatment.
- Bandaging:
- Once the MLD and MTPT is complete bandaging with short-stretch compression bandages ensues.
- Bandaging of the appendage proceeds from distal to proximal with multiple layers of compression bandages which also includes: stockinette, compression gauze, finger/toe wraps, foam compression pads/chips if needed.
- Instructions on self-bandaging techniques, precautions, contraindications and care of bandages are performed daily.
- Exercises:
- Once trigger points are released and patient has no pain in the affected area, and full range of motion is established, the stretching and strengthening protocol is begun.
- Instruction on proper techniques, body mechanics, energy conservation, contraindications and precautions for performing exercises are performed, reviewed and updated daily.
- Education:
- Instruction in the various areas related to lymphedema are performed daily. These include, but are not limited to:
- Activities of Daily Living.
- Instruments of Daily Living.
- Hygiene and Meticulous Skin and Nail Care.
- Resources for Patients: video, printed material, websites, etc.
- Weekly quizzes are given and are reviewed with the patient.